Aqara Account Authorization Mode

Aqara account authorization mode mainly uses Aqara Home APP to add devices, and obtain or control device data under your Aqara account through open interfaces.

  • Aqara account: refers to the phone number and email account registered through Aqara systems such as Aqara Home APP, Aqara Developer Platform, etc. Users can log in to Aqara Home APP through this account, bind devices, control devices or linkage configuration.

Interface Authorization

Third-party applications can obtain user-related authorization permissions through API interfaces to allow third-party applications to access user-related information (such as device lists, control devices, linkage configuration, etc.) without providing user names and passwords to third-party applications. The sequence diagram of the authorization process is shown below.


Step 1 Obtain the authorization verification code through Aqara account

  • API intent: config.auth.getAuthCode
  • Description: This interface is used to obtain the authorization verification code. The verification code is valid for 10 minutes.
  • Request parameters
Name Type Is required? Description
account String Yes Aqara account (e.g. email, phoneNumber)
accountType int Yes Account Type, 0-Aqara account
accessTokenValidity String No Access token valid time, default is 7d, support 1~24h (hour), 1~30d (day), 1~10y (year), the validity period of refreshToken is the access token’s expiration date plus 30 days
  • Request Demo:
  "intent": "config.auth.getAuthCode",
  "data": {
    "account": "189000123456",
    "accountType": 0,
    "accessTokenValidity": "1h"
  • Response parameters
Name Type Description
authCode String Send the verification code via SMS or email.
  • Response demo:
  "code": 0,
  "requestId": "",
  "message": "Success",
  "msgDetails": null,
  "result": {
    "authCode": "xxxx"

Step 2 Obtain the accessToken through the authorization verification code

  • Obtain access-token

  • API intent: config.auth.getToken

  • Description: Before the authorization code expires, obtain the accessToken through the authorization code. The default validity period of the access token is 7 days, and the validity period can be customized through the "config.auth.getAuthCode" interface.
  • Request parameters
Name Type Is required? Description
authCode String Yes The authCode requested in the previous step
account String Yes Aqara account (e.g. email, phoneNumber)
accountType Integer Yes Account Type, 0-Aqara account
  • Request Demo:
  "intent": "config.auth.getToken",
  "data": {
    "authCode": "xxxx",
    "account": "xxx",
    "accountType": 0
  • Response parameters
Name Type Description
expiresIn String The remaining valid time of the access token, the unit is s.
openId String Authorized user's unique identifier
accessToken String Access token
refreshToken String Refresh token, the validity period of refreshToken is the access token’s expiration date plus 30 days.
  • Response demo:
  "code": 0,
  "requestId": "",
  "message": "Success",
  "msgDetails": null,
  "result": {
    "expiresIn": "86400",
    "openId": "593652793976837702248177061889",
    "accessToken": "b8001e1893f5e4316a4f8c3b47df3720",
    "refreshToken": "ddd9dc7e9ec7b772e852121ed2fe75aa"

Step 3 Refresh the accessToken through refreshToken to obtain new accessToken and refreshToken

  • API intent: config.auth.refreshToken
  • Description: Before the accessToken expires, refresh the access token with refreshToken through this interface. The refreshToken duration defaults to the period of accessToken + 30 days.
  • Request parameters
Name Type Is required? Description
refreshToken String Yes Refresh token
  • Request Demo
  "intent": "config.auth.refreshToken",
  "data": {
    "refreshToken": "xxxx"
  • Response parameters
Name Type Description
expiresIn String The remaining valid time of the access token, the unit is s.
openId String Authorized user's unique identifier
accessToken String New access token
refreshToken String New refresh token
  • Response demo
  "code": 0,
  "requestId": "",
  "message": "Success",
  "msgDetails": null,
  "result": {
    "expiresIn": "86400",
    "openId": "593652793976837702248177061889",
    "accessToken": "b8001e1893f5e4316a4f8c3b47df3720",
    "refreshToken": "ddd9dc7e9ec7b772e852121ed2fe75aa"

OAuth2.0 Authorization

Note: Only Aqara account can be used in OAuth2.0 authorization mode.

OAuth2.0 is an open standard that allows users to allow third-party applications to access user-related information (such as device lists, control devices, linkage configuration, etc.) without providing user names and passwords to third-party applications. This authorization mode process is simple and safe. The detailed sequence diagram is shown below.


The detailed authorization process of OAuth 2.0 is as follows:

Step 1 Request authorization code

Redirect the user to the OAuth 2.0 service through the browser. After logging in to the Aqara account and password, the user's authorization code (code) can be obtained in the return link. The authorization code is valid for 10 minutes.

  • Request URL: https://${domain}/v3.0/open/authorize, ${domian} refers to the server domain name.
  • Request Method: GET
  • Request parameter
Name Type Is it required Description
client_id String Yes Third-party application ID, AppID
response_type String Yes Return type, according to the OAuth 2.0 standard, get the value of the code
redirect_uri String Yes The redirection URI registered by the third-party application, that is, the redirection URL customized by the third-party
state String No The value is an arbitrary string, and the authentication server will return the parameter as it is.
theme String No Page theme, currently supports two sets of themes 0 and 1, the default is theme 0
  • Return demo
GET  HTTP/1.1 302 Found

Location: https://redirect_uri?code=xxx&state=xxx

Step 2 Obtain access token

After obtaining the authorization code, use the authorization code to request an access token (accessToken).

  • Request URL: https://${domain}/v3.0/open/access_token, ${domian} refers to the server domain name.
  • Request Method: HTTP POST (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
  • Request parameter
Name Type Is it required Description
client_id String Yes Third-party application ID, AppID
client_secret String Yes Third-party application Key, AppKey
redirect_uri String Yes The redirection URI registered by the third-party application, that is, the redirection URL customized by the third-party
grant_type String Yes According to the OAuth 2.0 standard, get the value of the authorization_code
code String Yes Authorization code requested in the previous step
  • Response parameter
Name Type Description
expires_in String The remaining valid time of the access token, the unit is s.
openId String Authorized user's unique identifier
access_token String Access token
refresh_token String Refresh token
state String Return the parameter as it is
  • Response demo
    "access_token": "2084aedc686a36f323c94ca76c631431",
    "refresh_token": "deb7f6079b7fa0cf47ead1268e5e7691",
    "openId": "710995681892841378791828500481",
    "state": "aiot",
    "expires_in": 86400

Step 3 Refresh access token

Use refresh_token to refresh before the access_token expires, get a new access_token, and set a regular cycle refresh.

  • Request URL: https://${domain}/v3.0/open/access_token, ${domian} refers to the server domain name.
  • Request Method: HTTP POST (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
  • Request parameter
Name Type Is it required Description
client_id String Yes Third-party application ID, AppID
client_secret String Yes Third-party application Key, AppKey
redirect_uri String Yes The redirection URI registered by the third-party application, that is, the redirection URL customized by the third-party
grant_type String Yes According to the OAuth 2.0 standard, get the value of the refresh_token
refresh_token String Yes The refresh token requested in the previous step
  • Response parameters
Name Type Description
expiresIn String The remaining valid time of the access token, the unit is s.
openId String Authorized user's unique identifier
access_token String New access token
refresh_token String New refresh token
  • Response demo
    "access_token": "2084aedc686a36f323c94ca76c631431",
    "refresh_token": "deb7f6079b7fa0cf47ead1268e5e7691",
    "openId": "710995681892841378791828500481",
    "expires_in": 86400
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