Environment Build

1. Overview

This article mainly introduces some configurations that need to be added to your project before integrating Lumi SDK, and obtains the necessary parameters for SDK initialization.

2. Preconditions

  1. Confirm completion Preparation
  2. Make sure you have installed Android Studio and configured JDK, Android SDK and other development environments. For details, please go to Android Developer Official Website

3. Add Dependencies

3.1 Compilation environment requirements

Supported version

Parameter Version number Describe
minSdkVersion 21 Android 5
targetSdkVersion 33 Android 13

3.2 Open Android Studio

3.3 Edit build.gradle under root directory

Note: The access to the maven warehouse requires an account and password, and you need to contact the business to obtain it.

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
        //Aqara maven warehouse
        maven {
            url 'https://public-maven.aqara.com/repository/lumi-release/'
            credentials {
                username = 'maven_username'
                password = 'maven_password'
    dependencies {
        classpath "com.android.tools.build:gradle:4.1.3"
        //Aqara Android initialization plug-in
        classpath 'com.lumi.plugin:module-init:2.0.1'

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
        maven {
            url 'https://public-maven.aqara.com/repository/lumi-release/'
            credentials {
                username = 'maven_username'
                password = 'maven_password'

3.4 Edit build.gradle in the app directory

plugins {
    id 'com.android.application'
//Aqara unified initialization plug-in
apply plugin: 'lumi-module-init'

android {


dependencies {
    //Aqara unified initialization dependencies, pay attention to use the latest version
    implementation 'com.lumi.external:core:2.1.9'

3.5 Support AndroidX

Add support for AndroidX in gradle.properties


3.6 Permission Statement

4. Initialization

4.1 O btain the necessary parameters for SDK initialization

4.1.1 Get AppId and AppKey

See documentation Preparation

4.1.2 Get other necessary parameters

According to different account authorization methods, the acquisition methods are also inconsistent. For details, please refer to Authorization Management

Generally speaking, the virtual account authorization mode is used most of the time, that is, the third-party app needs to request its own cloud platform to obtain relevant parameters:

4.2 SDK Initialization

Integrate various business SDKs on the Aqara Android side, usually only need to be initialized uniformly through LumiCoreManager, other business SDKs usually do not need to be initialized separately.

4.2.1 Perform Unified Initialization

Initialize interface call

final LumiCoreManager.LumiCoreSDKConfig config =
        new LumiCoreManager.LumiCoreSDKConfig.Companion.Builder()
                .userInfo(new ILumiUserInfo() {
                    public String getUserId() {
                        return "userId";

                    public String getUserToken() {
                        return "userToken";

                    public String getArea() {
                        return "area";

                    public String getLanguage() {
                        return "language";

                    public String getSupportDeviceArea() {
                        return "area";

//True means to open the debug log, false otherwise
//Note: calling the init method multiple times is invalid. If you need to update the parameters later, please call the update method.
LumiCoreManager.Companion.getInstance().init(this, true, config);

Parameter Description

Field Type of data Description Access channel
appId String App unique identification Aqara Developer Platform
appKey String App unique identification Aqara Developer Platform
clientId String App push unique identifier Interface acquisition, please refer to Aqara Developer Platform
baseUrl String The domain name requested by the SDK Interface acquisition, please refer to Aqara Developer Platform
baseH5Url String The H5 link requested by the SDK Interface acquisition, please refer to Aqara Developer Platform
baseImageUrl String Image cdn address requested by the SDK Interface acquisition, please refer to Aqara Developer Platform
sdkChannel String Channel ID Project identification, which affects some business logic processing, just fill in the project name
userId String Unique user ID Interface acquisition, please refer to Aqara Developer Platform
userToken String User access token Interface acquisition, please refer to Aqara Developer Platform
area String App Location The default value is CN
language String App current language The default value is zh
supportDeviceArea String The area where the device is connected to the network The default value is CHN

Note: area and supportDeviceArea, some area codes are different

Language value

The language parameter will affect the SDK and the cloud to return to the multi-language type.

Value Describe Description
zh Simplified Chinese Default
zh_TW Taiwan Traditional /
zh_HK Hong Kong Traditional /
en English /
ko Korean /
ru Russian /
de German /
it Italian /
fr French /
es Spanish /

Note: This value only affects the multilingual information dynamically obtained, such as cloud interfaces, configuration files, etc. The multilingual used by the SDK itself (stored in strings.xml) follows the multilingual of the host App.

Area value

The area parameter will affect the business logic of the cloud interface, and some services may be unavailable in some areas.

Value Describe Description
CN China mainland Default
HMT Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan of China /
US America /
EU Europe /
RU Russia /
SEA Southeast Asia /
KR Korea /
JP Japan /
AU Italy /
ME Middle East /
AF Africa /
OTHER Other areas /

SupportDeviceArea value

The supportDeviceArea parameter will affect the device network configuration. (Some devices can only be activated and used in specific regions)

Value Describe Description
CN China mainland Default
HMT Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan of China /
US America /
EU Europe /
RU Russia /
SEA Southeast Asia /
KR Korea /
JP Japan /
AU Italy /
ME Middle East /
AF Africa /
OTHER Other areas /

4.2.2 Update user information

If you need to switch users, or the Token is invalid, you need to request the interface again. Please refer to Aqara Developer Platform, and update the SDK user information.

Update user information interface call

                .updateUserConfig(new ILumiUserInfo() {
                    public String getUserId() {
                        return "userId";

                    public String getUserToken() {
                        return "userToken";

                    public String getArea() {
                        return "area";

                    public String getLanguage() {
                        return "lang";

                    public String getSupportDeviceArea() {
                        return "area";

5. Push

The SDK itself does not have the ability to obtain cloud push, and needs to rely on the push from the host App. For details, please check Message Push

5.1 Subscribe Push


Parameter Description

Field Type of data Description Access channel example
clientId String App push unique identifier Interface acquisition, please refer to Aqara Developer Platform HOST+"Any string"(Up to 64 characters, Suggest concatenating token)

5.2 Forward push

When the third-party app receives the push about the Aqara device, it can forward it to the SDK.


Be careful not to transparently pass the entire message body to the SDK, the SDK only needs the string starting with LUMI@

Parameter Description

Field Type of data Description Access channel
content String Push Message App itself obtains

5.3 Push message format

Just pass content to the SDK

  "sequenceNo": "202106031107",
  "osType": "android",
  "token": "04a6dc0373253750b3223318ea0d5fea294a"
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