Device Pairing SDK (With UI) Integration

1. Overview

This article mainly introduces the basic information such as the device pairing type and size supported by the Device Pairing SDK, and how to integrate the Device Pairing SDK (With UI).

2. Preconditions

  1. Confirm completion Preparation
  2. Confirm the completion of Environment Build

3. Features

3.1 Main Function

Device Pairing SDK (With UI) SDK mainly provides the ability to configure Aqara devices on routers, so that they can be connected to the cloud for activation, and use Aqara-style UI pages to present the device pairing process.

3.2 SDK Size

Dependent library Description Size
Device Pairing SDK (With UI) UI presentation for each process of equipment Device Pairing 14MB
Other third-party open source components Components necessary for the SDK to run, such as OKHttp, etc. 23MB
Total - 37MB

Note: 37MB is the maximum increment of the integrated SDK, that is, when the dependencies of the third-party app and the third-party dependencies of the SDK have no intersection. Normally, it will be less than this value.

3.3 Support network type

Network type Whether to support Description
Wi-Fi AP Support For details, see Wi-Fi
Ethernet wired Support See Ethernet Wired
Bluetooth Support For details, check Bluetooth
Zigbee Sub-Device Not support The third-party app is implemented using the interface, see Zigbee Sub-Device of Hub
Camera Not support /
Door lock Not support /

3.4 List of supported devices

Please check Device Pairing SDK Supported Device List

4. Integrated

4.1 Open the Android Studio project

4.2 Edit build.gradle in the app directory

dependencies {
    //Pay attention to check the latest supported version
    implementation 'com.lumi.external:core:2.1.9'
    //Device Pairing SDK
    implementation 'com.lumi.module.access:access:3.0.35'
    implementation 'com.lumi.module.smart_connect:connect:3.0.32'

4.3 Initialization

See Environment Construction - Unified Initialization

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