Error Code

errorCode message
0 Success
100 Timeout
101 Invalid data package
102 Data package has altered
103 Data package may lose
104 Server busy
105 Data package has expired
106 Invalid sign
107 Illegal appKey
108 Token has expired
109 Token is absence
302 Params error
303 Request params type error
304 Request method not support
305 Header Params error
306 Request path not open
403 Request forbidden
429 Too Many Requests
500 Service impl error
501 Service proxy error
601 Device not register
602 Device is offline
603 Device permission denied
604 Illegal device id
605 Device info inconsistent
606 Device request not support
607 Gateway has been bind
608 Sub device bind error
609 Gateway unbind error
610 Subdevice unbind error
611 Subdevice not bind
612 Gateway request not response
615 Not find parent device
636 BindKey time out
637 Irid not exists
638 Sub device not support this operation
639 Device cannot mount sub device
640 Device five code not found
641 Bluetooth device operate with wrong step
642 Bluetooth device validate wrong
643 Bluetooth info not exist
644 Failed validate security code
645 App bluetooth device register wrong step
651 Gateway not exists
652 Gateway limit
655 dynamic sequence run failed
656 Device not allow bind
657 Device group config exist
658 This ir device not support copy
664 Device function not support
701 Position not exist
702 Position cannot deleted
703 Position name duplication
704 Default position create duplication
705 Device name duplication
706 Device permission denied
707 Ifttt permission denied
708 Scene permission denied
709 Service permission denied
710 Position permission denied
712 Parent position error
713 Position not real position
714 Position is not allowed to be deleted
715 Position error
716 Scene not exist
717 Device does not belong to this user
718 Data error
719 Device no bind user
722 Out of position layer
726 Device size beyond
727 Position size beyond
728 Start or end time cannot be empty
729 The start time must not be greater than the end time
730 Start or end time not a timestamp
731 Ifttt not exists
745 BindKey not exists
746 Gateway not connect cloud
747 Device unsupported
748 Category model not exists
749 Custom Action name duplicate
750 Ircode key not exists
751 BindKey has been used
753 ir device limit
754 Custom Action not exist
755 subject permission denied
756 no permissions
757 Device not bind user
758 Param length limit
760 Action not support
763 Trigger not support
768 Ifttt name has exists
769 Scene name has exists
770 Device name has exists
778 The device can not unbind
788 Condition event Permission denied
789 Condition event duplicate name
801 Account not register
802 Account not login
803 User permission denied
804 Token failed
805 Account has register
807 Account format error
810 Password incorrect
811 AuthCode incorrect
812 Account type unsupport
816 AuthCode incorrect
817 AuthCode send all too often
820 AuthCode is invalid
901 Upgrade error
902 Firmware not exist
903 Package not exist
904 Firmware already up to date
905 Firmware query is empty
906 No updatable firmware
907 firmware upgrade failed
908 Device is being upgrade
909 The sub device's gateway is being upgraded
910 The gateway's sub device are being upgraded
911 The sub device's gateway is also upgraded
912 Model can't be upgraded with firmware
1003 Resource attr illegal
1004 Resource value illegal
1006 Subject type not support
1007 Resource write not support
1008 Resource attr not exist
1009 Report attr error
1010 Report resourceId error
1201 Linkage not exist
1202 Scene not exist
1203 Ifttt execute condition not satisfied
1204 linkage no device
1205 Scene no device
1206 Delete local linkage failed
1207 Operation failed
1208 Ifttt parameter error
1210 This action not definition
1211 This trigger not definition
1212 Action is empty
1221 Ifttt execute failed
1223 Ifttt same name
1224 scene same name
1226 Conditions of configuration is not correct
1227 Conditions of configuration is not correct
1228 Condition is repeated
1229 Conditions of configuration is not correct
1230 Action is repeated
1231 Actions of configuration is not correct
1232 Conditions and Actions of configuration is not correct
1238 ifttt is abnormal
1239 Conditions of configuration is not correct
1300 The data is in operation
2001 Get developer list error
2002 Appid or Appkey illegal
2003 AuthCode incorrect
2004 AccessToken incorrect
2005 AccessToken expired
2006 RefreshToken incorrect
2007 RefreshToken expired
2008 Permission denied
2009 Invalid OpenId
2010 Unauthorized user
2011 The query result is empty
2012 Invalid apply
2013 Developer Permission denied
2014 Resource Permission denied
2015 subscriber faild
2016 AccountId has exist
2017 Appkey exceeds the limit
2018 IP config exceed the limit
2022 Application not activated
Copyright © 2023 Lumi United Technology Co., Ltd. all right reserved,powered by GitbookFile Modify: 2025-02-21 11:48:08

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