Door Lock SDK Use

1. Overview

This article mainly introduces how to use the door lock SDK for network access and device control.

2. Preconditions

  1. Confirm completion Preparation
  2. Confirm the completion of Environment Build
  3. CompletedDoor Lock SDK Integration

3. Use

The door lock SDK supports different devices in the form of RN plug-ins, and each device has a separate plug-in file.

3.1 Jump to the door lock access page

Use the following API to enter the door lock access page.


Parameter Description

Field Type of data Describe Access channel
deviceModel String Device model value See appendix List of supported door lock devices
positionId String Room location Interface acquisition, see Aqara Developer Platform

3.2 Jump to the door lock device control page

LumiReactNativeManager.getInstance().startRNPage("deviceModel", "deviceId")

Parameter Description

Field Type of data Describe Access channel
deviceModel String Device model value See appendix List of supported door lock devices
deviceId String Device Id Cloud interface, after the device is successfully configured, the device id will be generated

3.3 Event listener

When the user clicks some buttons or meets other conditions during the page operation, the event callback can be obtained through the event listener. For example, click a button to jump to a page in the host App, or a third-party custom event.

3.3.1 Register and Unbind

LumiReactNativeManager.getInstance().registerRNMessageCallback(object :IRNMessageCallback{
    override fun onHandleMessage(jsonMessage: String, promise: Promise?) {
       //To Do Something


3.3.2 List of Common Events

Event Type Describe
action_access_success Notify After the device is successfully connected to the network, the third-party App can do some of its own business.
AddGatewway Notify Some door locks need to be bound to a hub. If there is no hub under the account, this event will be triggered, and the third-party app will handle it by itself.

3.4 RN plugin

3.4.1 Depends on local plugin files

The door lock SDK supports loading local plug-in files, just put the corresponding files in the directory.

1.Please put the plugin file in the assets/lumi/reactnative/prefab/bundle directory. 2.Please put the configuration file in the assets/lumi/reactnative/prefab/config directory.

In the case of relying on local plug-ins, the plug-in will not be updated from the cloud. If it needs to be updated, you need to develop and put the new version of the RN plug-in in the assets directory, and re-package and release.

3.4.2 Depends on remote plugin files

The door lock SDK supports loading remote plug-in files placed on the server, and supports hot updates, and can be used in conjunction with local plug-ins.

This function involves the management and distribution of remote plug-in files, and is not available for external use at the moment. If you need it, please contact the business.

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